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Discover plugins

Plugins’ library

You can easily search and discover plugins on There you will find a number of plugins either directly maintained by the core DonkeyClip team or submitted by third party developers.

Loading a plugin

All plugins have an npm name and must be hosted and provided by it. The only thing to do is to load it on your MotorCortex via the use of the loadPlugin method of MotorCortex.


// load MC
import MotorCortex from '@donkeyclip/motorcortex';

// load plugin from npm. What's loaded is the plugin's definition. In order
// to use the plugin you need to load it throught the "loadPlugin" method of MC:
import pluginDefinition from 'any-plugin';
const Plugin = MotorCortex.loadPlugin('pluginDefinition');

// now the Plugin object exposes its Incidents on the keys defined by the plugin's devloper.
// E.g. Plugin.Animate or Plugin.SlideOne or Plugin.Whatever the developer wants to name their Incidents.

/* from that point and on you can instantiate any Incident exposed by the plugin */

const animation = new Plugin.Incident({...});

Plugin list